Event Name Locations Participants
All Day
"B Day" Schedule SK High SKHS Certificated Staff
SKHS Classified Staff
South Kitsap High School Events
Elementary Conferences* Burley Glenwood Elementary
East Port Orchard Elementary
Hidden Creek Elementary
Manchester Elementary
Mullenix Ridge Elementary
Olalla Elementary
Orchard Heights Elementary
Sidney Glen Elementary
South Colby Elementary
Sunnyslope Elementary
Burley-Glenwood School Events
District Events
East Port Orchard School Events
Hidden Creek School Events
Manchester School Events
Mullenix Ridge School Events
Olalla School Events
Orchard Heights School Events
Sidney Glen School Events
South Colby School Events
Sunnyslope School Events
MAN Book Fair MAN Library Manchester School Events
Middle School Conferences* Marcus Whitman Middle School
John Sedgwick Middle School
Cedar Heights Middle School
John Sedgwick School Events
Cedar Heights School Events
Marcus Whitman School Events
District Events
12:00 am
5:30 am
6:00 am
6:30 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
EPO Book Fair EPO Library East Port Orchard Elementary
East Port Orchard Staff
East Port Orchard School Events
JS- Conferences JS Baseball Field
JS Commons
JS Drama Room/Stage
JS Football Field
JS Gym
JS Library
JS Practice Area in front of school
JS Softball Field
JS Wrestling Room
John Sedgwick Staff
John Sedgwick School Events
John Sedgwick Middle School
12:10 pm
EPO Conference week East Port Orchard Elementary East Port Orchard School Events
East Port Orchard Staff
East Port Orchard Elementary
12:15 pm
MW Conferences MW Gym
MW Commons
Marcus Whitman School Events
12:30 pm
OH PTSO Bookfair Orchard Heights Elementary Orchard Heights Elementary
1:00 pm
Hidden Creek Book Fair HC Baseball Field
HC Gym
HC Library
HC Multipurpose/Cafeteria
HC Soccer Pitch (1)
HC Soccer Pitch (2)
Hidden Creek School Events
Hidden Creek Staff
MAN - Late Night Conferences Manchester Elementary Manchester Staff
Manchester School Events
SS Book Fair SS Library Sunnyslope School Events
Sunnyslope Elementary
1:15 pm
HC Conference Week- Early Dismissal of Students at 12:40pm Daily HC Soccer Pitch (2)
HC Soccer Pitch (1)
HC Multipurpose/Cafeteria
HC Library
HC Gym
HC Baseball Field
Hidden Creek Staff
Hidden Creek School Events
1:30 pm  
2:00 pm
Fall Play Rehearsal SKHS Stage 1 (Auditorium ) South Kitsap High School Events
2:30 pm
SK Dance Team Practice SKHS Fitness Center
SKHS Commons Area
SKHS Main Gym
SKHS Kitsap Bank Stadium
SKHS Dance
SK Girls Swim Practice SK Community Pool SKHS Girls Swim
2:45 pm
SK Football Practice SKHS Kitsap Bank Stadium
SKHS Practice (FB) Field
SKHS Weight Room
SKHS Football
3:00 pm  
3:30 pm  
3:45 pm
OH 2nd/3rd Choir Practice Orchard Heights Elementary Orchard Heights Elementary
4:00 pm
SK Boys Water Polo Practice SK Community Pool SKHS Boys Water Polo
4:30 pm
Middle School Track Championship Meet SKHS Kitsap Bank Stadium JS Track
CH Track
MW Track
SK Soccer Club Practices and Games BG Field
EPO Lower Field
EPO Upper Field
MAN Field
OH Field #1 (A)
OH Field #2 (C)
OH Field #2 (D)
SG Field (1)
SG Field (2)
SS Field (1)
SS Field (2)
SK Soccer Club (community)
5:00 pm
SK Boys Basketball Conditioning SKHS Auxiliary Gym SKHS Boys Basketball
SKYAA Community Basketball SKHS Main Gym SKYAA (community)
5:15 pm
SKYAA Community Basketball MAN Gym
OH Gym
SC Gym
SS Gym
SKYAA (community)
5:30 pm
SK Girls Soccer Practices SKHS Kitsap Bank Stadium SKHS Girls Soccer
SK Soccer Club Practices and Games CH Football Field
CH Track
SK Soccer Club (community)
5:45 pm
SK C Volleyball @ Puyallup Puyallup High School SKHS Volleyball
SK JV Volleyball @ Puyallup Puyallup High School SKHS Volleyball
SKYAA Community Basketball CH Gym
MW Gym
SKYAA (community)
SKYAA Community Basketball MR Gym
SG Gym
BG Gym
OL Gym
SKYAA (community)
6:00 pm
MR Cub Scout Pack Meeting MR Multipurpose/Cafeteria Cub Scout Pack 4528
SKHS - Acting Ensemble Night SKHS Commons Area
SKHS Stage 1 (Auditorium )
SKHS Stage 2
SKHS Stage 3
SK Drama
SKHS Acting Ensemble
SKHS Certificated Staff
SKHS Classified Staff
South Kitsap High School Events
6:30 pm  
7:00 pm
SKYAA Community Basketball SKHS Auxiliary Gym SKYAA (community)
7:15 pm
SK V Volleyball @ Puyallup Puyallup High School SKHS Volleyball
7:30 pm
11:30 pm